I moved out to Arizona almost 9 years ago....I can't believe how fast time goes. I told my mom on the phone today that I never thought I would be here this long. Almost 8 years ago I met my best friend Sarah.
This was from our trip to CT in July 2009
We have really been through a lot together. She was there when I met my husband and really helped me with that wedding. We've had to endure a lot and I won't air it to the world because she knows.
I think we've grown-up a lot together as well. When we met I was only 19 and she was 18; both still trying to figure out how to be away from home and on our own. We both can have feisty personalities and we use to get into the dumbest arguments, but we've sort of out grown that.
She was there when I had Mena and I mean literally there. Sarah held my left leg during labor. I know some people may think that's crazy, but I am so thankful she was there. Nick would either hold my leg like a limp noodle or shove my knee into my face, but Sarah was perfect. And after they whisked Mena away to the NICU, she was the only one with me in the room.
I introduced her to her wonderful husband Jeff who I use to work with (which I remind her of all the time and tell her that one of their children must be named after me). I am so glad that they got married, because they are amazing together.
Yesterday I found out that they are going to be moving to Ohio. When Sarah called and told me, it took everything I had not to cry on the phone. It is an amazing opportunity for them and I am happy for them, but I am going to miss her like crazy. She has been such a blessing, an inspiration and a great friend to me. I could call her and beg her to come bring me sanity at night because Nick was at school and the kids were driving me crazy. She would always come and be there to help. I refer to her as Aunt Sarah to my kids, because she loves them like they are her flesh and blood. Ohio is getting two great people.
Basically, I love you Sarah and I know it's not like we are never going to see each other again. But I will miss our shopping trips, braving the groceries stores and the chance for our children to grow-up with one another. I am blessed to have you in my life. Thank goodness for cell phones and skype!